In-flight entertainment is a great case study for how digital accessibility can improve the user experience for everyone. Plus an important lesson on taking care of the easy stuff first.
How to Save 50% on Digital Accessibility Using the Disabled Access Credit
The federal government doesn't only mandate web accessibility under the ADA. It also offers up to $5,000 in tax credits for small business spending on accessibility.
What Automated Accessibility Simply Cannot Fix
It's not just Accessibe. All automated accessibility overlays have the same limitations. There are issues they simply can't find or can't fix reliably (or won't fix)
Does Accessibe Work?
Over the past several years, a new class of accessibility software has taken the web by storm, claiming that it can make a website 100% accessible without any further effort by the site owner. The question: is it too good to be true?
Accessibility Around the Web: Elections, Vaccines and Podcasts
Voting locations website in Detroit, Rite-Aid to make vaccine registration accessible, and a new type of podcast for deaf "listeners"