From time to time, I like to share news, analysis and resources from around the web on the topics of accessibility and ADA website compliance. Linking an article here does not constitute an endorsement of the views contained within.
🗳️Internet technology has made it so much easier to share information about elections, but for info as important as voting locations, it's extra critical to make sure it's accessible: Detroit voters with disabilities barred from accessing election info on city website
💉The COVID era has relocated so many services online, which makes web accessibility even more critical. So it's good news that the Department of Justice reached a settlement with Rite Aid to make its vaccine registration forms accessible.
🎧Podcasts are more than just the transcript and it takes real creativity to translate that in a way that is accessible for deaf and hard of hearing audiences. Kudos to Vox Creative for pulling it off in their new podcast "More Than This".