Take a look at your town’s website. I was checking out my local township website to get some election related information last week. And it’s kind of awful. For everyone. But especially for users with disabilities.
How Local Government Websites Can Be More Accessible for Users with Disabilities
Accessibility for Agencies: What are Your Responsibilities?
How are agencies doing on accessibility? The short answer is not great. For digital agency owners, executives, and practitioners, there has been increased attention on digital accessibility (sometimes shortened to a11y) over the past few years. But out in the wild, it’s hard to see the impact.
What the Impossible Burger Demonstrates About Accessibility
Have you ever had an Impossible Burger? They were served at this year's July 4 cookout and it got me thinking. The Impossible Burger is a great example of how offering attractive alternatives can be a lot more effective at getting people to make good choices.
DOJ's New Guidance on Web Accessibility and What It Means For Your Business
New federal guidance is a huge milestone for digital accessibility and an improvement over the previous uncertain status quo. That said, we were disappointed that the contents of the guidance document falls short of what we would have hoped for.
Why ADA Web Accessibility is Critical in the Portable Storage Industry
If your storage business offers customers the option to learn more about your offerings and get a quote on your website, you need to consider how to make sure your website is usable for people with disabilities.