WCAG was not originally written for mobile and it still shows. How do current guidelines fall short and how can it be fixed?
Mobile Apps
Why Are There No Mobile Accessibility Guidelines in WCAG?
Read more about Why Are There No Mobile Accessibility Guidelines in WCAG?
All I Want for GAAD
Awareness is important but on this Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we are wishing for bigger changes to reduce friction, reduce costs, and create better markets and incentives for accessibility.
How to make your mobile app ADA compliant
Website accessibility gets most of the attention. But mobile apps are a big piece of our digital experiences and account for more than 20% of digital ADA lawsuits.
When Are ADA Website Compliance Audits Absolutely the Right Move?
Accessibility audits are the wrong solution for most organizations. But every rule has exceptions and there are some specific scenarios where we believe audits are necessary.