Accessible Products

How to Choose a Screen Reader for Testing Your Site

Screen reader testing is a critical part of digital accessibility. But testing across all screen readers can be a lot. Where should you start?

Read more about How to Choose a Screen Reader for Testing Your Site  

Is a VPAT voluntary for your product?

If you are working in the digital space, you may have heard references to a VPAT and wondered whether you need one. The answer to that question depends on what kind of digital experience you are producing as well as who your intended customers are.

Read more about Is a VPAT voluntary for your product?  

Why ADA Web Accessibility is Critical in the Portable Storage Industry

If your storage business offers customers the option to learn more about your offerings and get a quote on your website, you need to consider how to make sure your website is usable for people with disabilities.

Read more about Why ADA Web Accessibility is Critical in the Portable Storage Industry  

Why Email Accessibility is the Best Place to Start Your Accessibility Journey

Email is a cost effective way to introduce digital accessibility practices to your organization and serve your most engaged audiences.

Read more about Why Email Accessibility is the Best Place to Start Your Accessibility Journey  

How Wordle Falls Short on Accessibility

If you participate in social media, you have surely seen at least a few Wordle share grids over the past month or so. The five-letter word guessing game has taken the internet by storm and kept users hungry by releasing only one puzzle each day. In fact, it became so popular that it was quickly bought up by the New York Times for a low-7 figure sum. Wordle also makes for an interesting case study on digital accessibility; it’s not just a typical website with typical best practices to apply, but raises novel questions that force us to think just a bit more empathetically.

Read more about How Wordle Falls Short on Accessibility  